Friday, 17 January 2014

Dawson's Story

The Play

Once upon a time there was a short kid named Bob who lived in the United States and he and his friends were in the same class with a teacher named Mr. Mitty. Bob and his friends had to share a school play to the school. The start of the play was about a boy who tried to reach a goal to make it to Canada so they had a great adventure. So on the first practice "it was a catastrophe" Mr. Mitty said. "You have to practice this on the weekend" Mr. Mitty said. On the weekend Bob forgot to practice with his friends and he went go practice riding a horse and he cheated and he fell off the horse and scraped his leg when he got home his friends were mad at him. On Sunday Bob called his friend and they all went to his house to practice. As they practiced they got better and better so they thought they were ready and went to go have a treat. The next day they all went to school and they had to do the play so they did and it had a peaceful ending. The End 

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